The Edge™ Vent FAQs
Latest The Edge™ Vent FAQs Articles
Yes. It is the installer's responsibility to ensure that there is a downward slope across all shingle surfaces after Edge Vent installation. This is of particular note when using multi-layered or
...No. The Edge Vent is not designed to be used as an exhaust vent. It does not have an external baffle that Air Vent exhaust ridge vents do. Without the external baffle the vent would be subject to
...Yes, it is acceptable to install The Edge Vent up the roof a few feet from the roof's edge to provide intake ventilation for an attic that begins further up the roof, as in an exposed rafter tail
...The Edge Vent is not Class A. Perhaps one day Air Vent will have it tested/rated as such.
The use of The Edge Vent at the roof transition for a gambrel roof should be acceptable. NOTE: The deck below The Edge Vent at the roof transition line will have to be protected. The contractor
...No, it’s not recommended that The Edge Vent be used up the roof as an attic ventilation exhaust vent. The product was specifically designed for intake venting applications.
Install insulation baffles in every rafter bay to create an air space between the insulation and the underside of the roof deck. For situations where there may be limited or no access to the
...Air Vent has not tested the compatibility of gutter protection products in general with The Edge Vent.
In a quick review of the Leaf Proof gutter protection product, Air Vent does not
...There are a couple concerns:
The top flange of the Pro Flow Vented Drip Edge is approximately 6.5”. The slot for The Edge Vent is supposed to be cut between 5” and
...Air Vent does not recommend the use of The Edge Vent for this application where a sloped roof meets a flat roof. Not only is there an increased possibility for infiltration, the vent would be
...Air Vent has not performed an installation with slate roofing. It is possible that it could work, but Air Vent has not investigated all of the possible installation details that would need to be
...Air Vent has not looked at this application in detail, but it could possibly work. Underlayment will have to cover the product regardless of the roof covering material. It should be able to
...Yes, it’s OK to use The Edge Vent on one side of the house and use a different type of intake vent on the other side of the house. This will not cause any problems for the overall attic
...Yes, it is OK to use The Edge Vent in conjunction with all existing intake vents on the same side of the house (whatever type of intake vents they happen to be) because they will all be in the
...When using The Edge Vent with vented nail base products, there are a few things to consider:
Is there an attic space below the vented nail base which is desired to be vented? If so, is
...The Edge Vent can be installed on roofs with a minimum 3/12 roof pitch. There is no maximum roof pitch.
There are three possible options in dealing with open valley installations of The Edge Vent.
Option 1: Position The Edge Vent so that it terminates 2 feet from the open valley
...Yes, as with most building construction practices, there is some latitude with the precise slot dimensions to be cut. It is recommended that the lower cut for the slot be maintained as close as
...Air Vent has never specified the gutter size for use with its product and will not do so with The Edge Vent because of the infinite variables that are structure specific. Obviously, the drip edge
...It may be possible that a roofing inspector would red flag a slot opening in the roof deck in an area required to have a waterproofing underlayment from the edge of the roof up to at least
...If they are both covered, then there will be no attic ventilation. Eventually, the snow will clear from both the peak and the eave and the attic ventilation system will be functioning once again.
...Air Vent will not specify a particular fastener to be used for the installation of The Edge Vent or for shingles installed over the product because of possible variations in the construction
...The integrated end plugs of The Edge Vent terminate each end of the vent to help prevent weather infiltration. The end plug feature is essentially a vertical rib with a top edge that matches the
...Air Vent will not specify what materials are to be used beneath The Edge Vent in any climate. However, it is recommended that waterproofing underlayment or a similar performing product be used
...With regard to the placement of underlayment, Air Vent recommends it be placed both under The Edge Vent (i.e. directly on the deck) and over The Edge Vent. NOTE: The slot should also be cut into
...No, every brand of shingle will not correctly align on The Edge Vent in terms of nailing requirements. Even if they did, Air Vent would not make that claim because we do not control shingle
...In terms of structural integrity, The Edge Vent will perform similarly to Air Vent’s ShingleVent® II ridge vent, which is the same exact copolymer resin material as The Edge Vent.
...No, The Edge Vent was designed to shed water at these roof pitches. Any water will be traveling from the peak of the roof all the way down to the edge of the roof with increased speed and volume.